Bulgarian Folklore Proverbs
~ To the prickly cow, God does not give horns.
In Bulgarian: На бодлива крава, Бог рога не дава.
Phonetic: Na bodliva krava, bog roga ne dava.
This proverb is for someone who obsessively wants something that keeps not coming to him/her. In other words if something does not happen to you persistently, you are not good for it or it is not good for you, so do not feel bad about it.
~ A good team can lift the mountain.
In Bulgarian: Сговорна дружина планина повдига.
Phonetic: Sgovorna drujina planina povdiga.
Meaning: If we all work well together we can come to outstanding results.
~ If you had stayed calm, you would not have seen a "miracle".
In Bulgarian: Да би мирно седяло, не би чудо видяло.
Phonetic: Da bi mirno sedyalo, ne bi chudo vidyalo.
This proverb is for the one who got in trouble while involved in risky activities.
~ Those who are affraid of bears, do not enter the woods.
In Bulgarian: Който го е страх от мечки, не ходи в гората.
Phonetic: Koyto go e strah ot mechki, ne hodi v gorata.
The proverb is an answer to those who are trying to talk you out of taking a risk. The person who is taking the risk is telling them that he/she is not afraid.
It can also be used warning to someone who is uncomfortable taking a risk.
~ Shut up grand ma, in the name of the beauty.
In Bulgarian: Трай бабо за хубост.
Phonetic: Tray babo za hubost.
Whenever someone is whining because of the pain and discomfort of a beauty procedure, the person who is making/helping with the procedure can tell then to calm down and do it for the sake of their beauty.
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